The House on the Corner | Teen Ink

The House on the Corner

January 6, 2014
By werewolfprincess GOLD, Ione, Washington
werewolfprincess GOLD, Ione, Washington
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Death cannot stop love it can only delay it for a bit- the princess bride

The house was built in 1906 by the Maupin family. My great-grandma opal Johnson and my great-grandpa James king moved to Ione Washington in 1947 when my grandpa Bobby king was 3 years old. My grandma had lots of different chores, she had to milk the cows because it was a cattle ranch, Also she fed the chickens and gathered the eggs. A typical family dinner for my grandma was the whole family sitting down together talking about the hard day they had. My grandma’s bread recipe has been passed down from many generations. When my aunt melby was about 16 years old she was listening to the radio when all of a sudden food cans started rolling down the stairs and there was blood dripping from the ceiling. Also when my great grandmother moved into the house she was making dinner, she opened the cupboard up and there was a deer leg in there no one knew where, it came from it was just there. My great grandma was a wonderful woman who loved her children and I am very proud to be her grandchild.

The author's comments:
i did an interview about my grandparents old house because she was my favorite grandma and i thought it would be really fun to find out intresting things about the house.


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