Back in the Day | Teen Ink

Back in the Day

May 4, 2010
By VanessaAnne BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
VanessaAnne BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Happy Birthday GiGi! That’s right, 2010 marks the 5th anniversary of Lime Green Giraffe and to celebrate, we’re taking a look back at how much LGG has grown, by talking to some of the original members of the Lime Green Giraffe Staff. Kristen Danch-Powell, Renea Martucci, and Jennifer Dysert were some of the editors of the first Lime Green Giraffe article and here they are to answer some questions about where they are now and learn fun facts that you never knew about LGG!

Kristen Danch-Powell

LGG: Kristen, its been a few years since your work at LGG, what have you been up to?
Kristen Danch-Powell: I am currently a senior at UGA majoring in Math and Statistics. My ultimate goal, however, is to become a writer.
LGG: What do you do when you are not in school?
KDP: I currently manage and write a blog about the local music scene in Athens, Georgia which enables me to meet members of tons of bands and review lots of concerts. It's a whole lot of fun! You can find it at LGG helped me realize just how much I loved writing, and it helped me develop the skills I needed to start this blog.
LGG: That’s great! What is your favorite memory from your time at Lime Green Giraffe?
KDP: My favorite LGG memory is of our very first meeting when we came up with the name for the magazine. We wanted something totally unique and interesting, and I think we definitely succeeded. I'm really glad I had the opportunity to be a part of something so cool.
LGG: I think its safe to say that you definitely succeeded with LGG. Thank you for your interview Kristen!

Renea Martucci

LGG: Hi Renea! You were one of the founders of the Lime Green Giraffe, where are you now?
Renea Martucci: I am currently a Nursing Student, (about to graduate, fingers crossed) at Ogeechee Technical College in Statesboro Georgia.
LGG: Wow, that’s amazing! What are your plans after you graduate?
RM: Once graduated, I hope to move back to the Atlanta area working as a pediatric nurse.
LGG: How exciting! What is your favorite Lime Green Giraffe Memory?
RM: As for my favorite Lime Green Giraffe memory, that's really quite difficult. I have tons of great memories from Girl Scouts!
LGG: It sounds like you had a lot of fun as a Girl Scout! Thank you for your interview!

Jennifer Dysert

LGG: Jennifer, you were an original member of the Lime Green Giraffe staff. What have you been up to since LGG?
Jennifer Dysert: I’m currently a Junior at The University of South Carolina double majoring in International Business and Management and minoring in Spanish. I am on the USC colorguard, and have been all three years I have been here. This spring I will also, hopefully, be studying abroad in Havana, Cuba!
LGG: Sounds like you have a busy schedule! What do you do in your free time?
JD: In my spare time, which I don’t have a whole lot of, I enjoy hanging out with my boyfriend and friends, bowling, and listening to music. I’m also in a local bowling league.
LGG: Awesome! What is your favorite Lime Green Giraffe memory?
JD: I would have to say that one of my favorite LGG memories would be when we had our photo shoot for the first issue. A little known fact also is that I came up with the title of The Lime Green Giraffe. Lime green is my favorite color and when we were brainstorming for the first issue, I was about to go on a vacation to visit my cousin whose favorite animal is a giraffe!
LGG: Thanks for the interview Jennifer!

The author's comments:
I am a member of an online girl scout magazine and I thought that a cool way to celebrate the founding of Lime Green Giraffe would be to talk to the founders of LGG and see what's up with them


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