career transition | Teen Ink

career transition

January 25, 2010
By i<3Hayley BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
i<3Hayley BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Can you imagine going from the co-owner for a café (a.k.a the big boss) to just an employee as a bartender? My mom went through that transition in her career. It’s kind of a big change if you think about it. She has had probably a little over ten jobs in her lifetime, and co-owner then to bartender is the biggest transition.

First my mom worked at Coca Mocha Café. She was the co-owner/ manager/ cook. My grandma, grandpa, and mom opened the little café in 2000 at the Boulevard Mall. They all had to go through training, hiring, and firing other workers which took a couple of months. At the end of 2001 they had to close their little modern café, suddenly my mom was workless; my grandma got a job a few months later at Zale’s and my grandpa still had his old job waiting for him. There my mom has no job, a little house, just married, and has two little kids; what was she supposed to do?

In June my mom had to do something; she went to a bartending school for about a year. After school she got a job at a bar called Adobegilla’s. This job was a down scale from the one before, but at least it made some money. At Adobegilla’s there were drunks dancing on the bar, typical bar fights, and teenagers coming in thinking they can drink. She worked there for a year and a half then got pregnant with my little brother Braden. He was born in July of 2004. My mom spent a year home with Braden and 16 months after he was born; my youngest brother Dylan popped out. There she is again stay at home mom, bigger house, married for a few years, for kids and really happy with her career choice and life.


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