Interview | Teen Ink


January 12, 2010
By Anonymous

Pushing yourself to the limits? Not even a question for Gabby, a 17 year old from Arrowhead. Being a two year state champion and attending Duke on a running scholarship, is one major accomplishment.
It all began back at Merton middle school in fifth grade.
“High jump was my thing, I jumped five feet in fifth grade,” Gabby says.
Who would have thought?
“You got to work your way into things. Find what you like best.”

Four-year cross-country star you would think right? Not for Gabby.
“I was too afraid to do it freshman year. But when it came time for track, I sure didn’t want to take the bus home,” Gabby says. “I started out with the 800 and was good enough so I went on to try the mile. It hit me. I loved to run.”

Problems then came around for Gabby during basketball season. Gabby found another natural talent.
“As coach Roehl told me several times, you need to QUIT BASKETBALL,” says Gabby. “I had to focus on my running.”
Although Gabby may have given up basketball it paid off in the end.

As I have enjoyed going the distance, Gabby says not so much.
“I’m not up for that far of a distance, but I may build up to it. I like doing the group running a lot more. Maybe it I did one with somebody.”

When life revolves around running and being a champion, the goals are set high. Gabby is about to spend the next four years of her life running for Duke and the first of her goals is to earn the best freshman award and go on the NCAA championships. Life as a champion comes with its hard times but always pays off in the end.

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