How to Crack an Egg | Teen Ink

How to Crack an Egg

February 12, 2024
By Anonymous

“Gram gram taught me how to crack an egg one handed from a very young age,” says Hayden Hazard, 17, three-year egg cracker. Hazard has been practicing this skill for the past three years working to perfect and build upon his trade, which has been passed down through his family from his grandma. Through his various years of practice Hazard has learned these skills to crack an egg one handed…

First, grasp the egg with three fingers (thumb, middle, and pointer finger), making sure you have a gentle grasp on the egg so that it doesn’t crack throughout the rest of the process. Next, split the egg right down the middle on a hard surface; ideally this surface would be the corner of a table, pan, or bowl, but it can be performed on a flat table. The split should be right in the center of the egg and you should use enough force to barely crack the egg. If the egg is just barely cracked then you can hit the center of the egg on the counter once or twice more. This may take weeks, or even months of practice and repetition to perfect the amount of force that is used to crack the egg, but once mastered you will be set up for success for the rest of the time in your kitchen.

Once the egg is cracked pull back on the three fingers holding the egg and it will split wide open. If done right the process will take only a matter of seconds and no shell remnants will be found in the exemplary cracked egg. If done wrong then simply use part of the shell you just cracked to scoop out any shell remnants found in your bowl. The one handed crack is a great trick and will impress any guests or even yourself next time you are in the kitchen, it could also greatly improve upon your efficiency in the kitchen.


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