Humans Of Parsippany | Teen Ink

Humans Of Parsippany

February 5, 2024
By NickMat BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
NickMat BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"My children are my biggest motivation.  Being that I have three kids, if I don’t get up and go to work every day there is gonna be trouble trying to support all three of them.  So like I said, my children are my motivation every day.  Well undoubtedly my life would be a lot different if I didn’t have children, but would it be better?  Probably not because every day is an adventure.  My goals-I honestly wouldn’t say I have goals as of right now but I just want to keep giving my children everything they need, giving my wife everything she needs, and just making sure everybody is happy.  Money isn’t everything but happiness makes everything better.  I’d have to say my children being born was probably the event that impacted me the most.  I’ll tell you when my first one was born I had no idea what I was supposed to do or how to do it.  It was definitely one of the greatest impacts of my life.  I am very afraid for my children that are still in school.  With all the crazy stuff going on in these schools.  You can never tell.  Just the crazy things going on in this world is one of the major things that scares me every day, is the safety of my children."

The author's comments:

This was an interview conducted in English class.


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