A Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

A Letter to a Veteran

December 22, 2017
By claireee14 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
claireee14 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,
This year, I joined Rho Kappa (social studies national honor society) and one of our big events was a veteran breakfast. That was the first ever veteran breakfast I attended and hosted, and it was such an amazing experience for me. I got to socialize with veterans who served in World War II, the Korean War, and more. As a part of our club’s acknowledgement of veterans, we had each veteran stand up when the war they fought in was announced. As they stood up, I saw pride. I could see how touched they were by this recognition, and it made me so grateful for everything veterans have done. 

I can’t imagine what my life would be like without your brave service. It is because of you, and your willingness to serve our country, that I can be free. My freedom came at a cost—a cost I didn’t have to pay because of your selflessness. Your service grants freedom, opportunities, and a wonderful life to every American.

  I want to thank you for everything you’ve done. Thank you for all your hard work you put into serving. Thank you for your courageous fight. Thank you for preserving through the bad to fight for the good. Despite the treatment you received when returning home from the Vietnam War, your service was and still is truly important. I don’t think any of us can thank you enough to make up for the past, but I want you to know that what you did truly impacted me. Without your brave actions America would not be where it is today.

I hope today was a very special day for you. I hope that as you got to see the memorials and resurface the memories, you were happy. Today was a day dedicated fully to you, a veteran, and your service. Again, thank you for everything.

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