Perfect Cuts | Teen Ink

Perfect Cuts

October 15, 2015
By Anonymous

    “She seemed to have the perfect life, 

     Only after the cuts with the knife”  


Blood as red as cherries dripped in silence, followed by loud sobs of a 13 year old girl. I looked from the crack of the bathroom door as I was curious to know who was crying. However, the only thing I could se was the white sink with blood running down. I heard the door of the bathroom opening as the girl panicked and started to run the water to clean the sink and her hands. The girl was going out of the bathroom and I went to back of the stall trying to be unnoticed. When I heard girls snickering I looked through the crack again to see three girls pushing her. As soon as the girls got in I quickly got out trying to hurry so I can see who it was. Unfortunately, the girl was nowhere to be seen.

The next day I went again to see if she was going to be there but, she wasn’t. Though when I got into the stall I heard the door open and I checked to see if it was her and indeed it was.  I was shocked to find out that the person was a friend of mine. I didn’t get out of the stall though I desperately wanted to and ask why. I thought of what I should do and a teacher of mine came to my thoughts. As soon as the seventh period bell rang I power walked as fast as I could to Mr. H. he let me in and I started to tell him about her.  He told me to come tomorrow after school. 

The next day, I walked to his class afterschool when I saw the girl entering the classroom. I entered the classroom and felt the awkward yet intense air. I sat on the only chair available in the circle of three. Mr. H started to talk to her and asked her if there was anything wrong.  She said nothing.  After about 30 minutes of unanswered questions she finally gave up and started to tell everything. Of course, Mr. H had to send a report in. After a week or so, the girl had completely changed she didn’t use to cut herself and her father who beat her mother had gone to prison.

The author's comments:

I hope that people who self-harm or get bulled have the courage and not be afraid to speak up.

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