Family | Teen Ink


January 27, 2015
By Tristyn Pierce BRONZE, Letohatchee, Alabama
Tristyn Pierce BRONZE, Letohatchee, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many things mean a lot to me in life. I have my priorities arranged in ways that matter most to me. My family is a huge, meaningful part of my life. My family, from close relations to far relations, will always be there. My family is what matters most to me because they do everything for me and I could not live without them, they help me out with any minor or major problem, and they love me no matter the situation.
       From things like needing money for a school fee to needing new clothes, my family will be there. My parents do absolutely everything for me and sometimes I take them for granted. My parents and family mean so much to me. I honestly could not live without them in my life. They do things for me that I could not provide for myself.
       If I ever feel down and just need someone I know my family will always be there. My brother is the person I go to for anything. I know, no matter the situation, he will always help me out. My mom always has an answer to every problem I come to her for. If I ever feel lost my family will always help me out and show me the right direction in life.
       When I think of my family I think of love. I know they love me and will love me forever. There are always situations in life where you think everyone is against you, but always know your family is there. Their doors are always open and so are their hearts. Families are full of love and that will never change.
       When I am asked what matters most to me in life I automatically think my family. They mean so much to me. My family does everything for me and I surely could not live without them. My family helps me out in ways no one ever could. My family always shows me love, in ways I never knew love was possible. I love my family and that is why they matter most.

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