My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

September 8, 2014
By Lupe Matias BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Lupe Matias BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A young man coming by himself to the United States, alone, taking care of himself, and trying to support his family back home. My father came from a village that wasn’t that wealthy, and most of the people worked hard labor around the village. My father is an inspiration to me because at my age he had to come and work in the United States, had to leave everything behind in Mexico, forgetting his studies to help and support his family. He felt lonely, scared, and worried that he would be sent back to Mexico and not accomplish his goal he had. I see my father as a brave man, determined of his goals, and thoughtful.


First of all, my father is a brave man that’s not scared taking chances because he knows what's right for him to do. My father chose to leave his village and his family to find work in the United States, he came here when he was just 14 years old. He would follow people who crossed the border with him and find work together. He found work in Florida by picking out fruits and packaging them. He was proud and happy that he got a job and got paid. He would send that money back home to my grandparents. My father felt lonely during the time because he missed his home and his family, but he had to do this to support his family. I’m amazed by my father because he made his own choice by moving to a country that he doesn’t really know that well or speak the language but managed to find work. My grandmother was worried each night for my father because she would wonder if he was still alive or died along crossing the border. She thought those things because he had to cross the hot desert and there wasn't any water or food because it was in the middle of nowhere. My father is a brave young man when he was my age because I couldn’t imagine myself crossing a hot desert without water or food.


Furthermore, my father never backs down from a hard situation because he is determined that he will accomplish his goal. He was determined that he’ll find working in the United States and survive by himself. Since my father was alone in the United States, my aunt thats older than my father decided that she’ll move to the United States and live in Chicago, Illinois. When my father got the news that her sister was going to live in the US, he decided to live with her and pay her for the food and rent. He was determined that he’ll work hard and show his sister of how much he can do and show her how he’s been mature for the two years he's been here. Since my father didn’t know how to drive at the time because he didn’t have a car or didn’t know how to get a license, the only transportation he had was the bus or walking to his work. When my father told me a story about how he missed his bus to work, he had to walk for an hour and its snowing at the time. He wasn’t going to give up and stay home, no he would still go to work and get paid, so he can pay my aunt. My father was a determined young man that would do anything to get paid to survive and keep on going with his life along the way with hardships because he's the type of a person who won’t take a no as an answer.


Next, my father is a thoughtful person that will try do his best to make my family and other people around him. When my father married my mother, he promised her that he’ll try his best to move to the United States and live a happy together. When I was born, my father left my mother and I back in Mexico so that he could work for a couple of months and send money back so we could move with him. Along the journey my mother would cry and become sad because she missed him. She told me a couple of months ago of how she would hug me tight and wishing he was with us. But now I have one brother and two sister that I’m grateful to have in my family, so do my parents because the main reason were here is because of my father being thoughtful for working hard and being determine. Although he used to work three jobs through the week, he wouldn't get any sleep or time to rest because he knew that he had a family to feed at home and provide shelter. But now he only has one job, my family decided to tell him that he should take a break and he agreed with us. He’s a thoughtful person by not giving up and working hard to keep our family safe.


To conclude, through my eyes I see my father as a brave young man, determine to accomplish his goals, and a thoughtful person. I could never the decision that he made because i couldn’t live by myself and work for 8 hours, but my father could because he wouldn’t give up. I’m grateful for having my father in my life because he has taught me how life can be rough but you can’t give up. ¨Never let someone bring you down, they don’t want you to accomplish your goals in life.¨

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