My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

September 8, 2014
By raymond beltran BRONZE, Mundelien, Illinois
raymond beltran BRONZE, Mundelien, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Since he held me in his arms, to the first i love you grandpa, my grandpa is always there for me, and always encourages me to do well in school. I’ll never forget about my grandpa is his history back in world war 2


When i asked my grandpa about his history back in world war 2 what he told me was he served in the army during world war 2 as a vehicle transporter. He would bring supplies to the soldiers that needed them. When i asked him what he was called by, he simply gave me his number US55042704. For a 87 year old man that has  had multiple strokes, and also is dealing with dementia thats pretty damn good i have to give him that.


My grandpa lived a hard life he’s had lots of challenges he had to overcome thats why i think he such a tough cookie in his lifetime he’s had  throat cancer, knee surgery, roller cuff, colon cancer, 5 bleeding ulcers at the same time, and gall bladder removal.


  Grandpa always made us grandkids laugh with calling his finger my little worm which was caused by a machine accident in 1995 which caused him to lose half of his finger. My grandpa would make a circle out of his good hand and put his half a finger through it and wiggle it and tell me look Raymond my little worm is peeking out. Everytime he would do that i would bust out laughing and my grandpa would chuckle a little.


My grandpa would always find ways to make me laugh or help him usually when we would be watching tv he would tell me Raymond ouch ouch there's a bug on my back get get it and i would scratch his back for a good 10 mins not knowing that there wasn't a bug on his back. I would ask him halfway into my 10 mins of continuous back scratching if the bug was gone and he would tell me nope its still there and i would carry on until his back didn't itch anymore.

Throughout my life my grandpas been so inspiring to me hes a really nice man that will help anyone that needs it. My grandpa teaches me lots of things that i still carry with me to this day, those things that i carry with me makes me a better person in life. The lessons that i've learned from my grandpa will always be with me for the rest of my life.   

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