My Hero Essay David Menges | Teen Ink

My Hero Essay David Menges

September 8, 2014
By David Menges BRONZE, Wauconda, Illinois
David Menges BRONZE, Wauconda, Illinois
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It was a warm day on June 24, 1999. This was the day that my hero knew he had to take care of another child. There will be many thing that my hero will teach me. The hero I chose was my father. The reason I chose my father is because he is smart, brave, and creative.

There are many way that my father is smart, he know a lot of roads around the Lake County area. He also know a lot about math, and doesn’t need a calculator to solve most problems. The first time I found out that my dad knew a lot of the roads around the Lake Country area was when we were driving to the store. It was only a few weeks since we moved out here, and since my dad worked by our old house, I thought he only knew around that area. We were driving down the road, and there was a lot of traffic, next thing I know is that he driving through neighborhoods. I asked him if he knew where he was going, and he told me that he used to live up here, and that we were close to one of the houses he live in when he was younger. After that I figured out why my dad would alway go out, and get something we need, and not my mom, because my mom grew up in Cook County so she knew down there better. Another way my father is smart is he is very good at math. I know this because he would be the one that help me with my math homework, and tell me easier ways to do the problems. He would say “I will help you with a few problems then you will have to try, and do them by yourself. Ok?”.  After a while of him helping me with my math homework I got the hang of doing it mostly by myself, and not needing help when I have to do adding subtracting multiplying or dividing. Now I don’t need any help from him because math is like second natour now to me. There are many way that anyone is smart, but I think these two are the strongest that my father has.


There are many ways people can show that they are brave. They way I see my father as brave is, he supporting three kids by himself, and that he never had a father that could teach him what he has taught me. My father right now is pulling over time at work so that he can support three kids, and himself so we don’t starve or go bankrupt. There a lot of hard work he does at his job. There are time when I will come home, and my father is sleeping til dinner, eat, then go right back to bed. For almost all his life he didn’t have his father. His mother remarried, but he didn’t like his new stepfather. His real father die about three years after he was born. My father doesn’t talk about it much, but every year he goes to his father’s, and mother’s grave, which are in the same graveyard. I’m not exactly sure what he does there, but i’m pretty sure he is sad when he goes there. These are the two reason why I think my father is brave.


There are many ways that people can show that they are creative. The way my father shows he is creative is making wood project for everyone in the house, and mixing, and matching different types of paint, wall paper, etc. If you were to walk around our house you would see a woodwork project in almost every room. The could be shelfs, tables, or storage crates. They are a lot of things you don’t see in regular houses. Most of the projects he did where using wood, and after we would stain it. The first time my father taught me how to stain at first you could see the different because my staining was a lot darker than my fathers. A few years later I have gotten better at staining, and you couldn’t know what I stained, and what he stained. At less once my father has taught everyone in our house how to paint. He said “ don’t put on too much stain. Do slow, and light brushes, you don’t want to have the wood two different color.” Once you learn all that you get really go at staining. The other way my father is creative is the way he can combine colors on the wall. In every room, that has paint, there two different colors. Each color is a contrast to the other color which I didn’t understand when my father painted. When my father, and my second oldest half brother taught me how to paint they said “Go slow. Alway start with a W shape on the wall. When you use a paint brush hold it on the metal grip. Don’t hold it by the handle because it just there to hold up the brush.” These tips they taught me help me a lot whenever I paint with my father. I would be the one to help my father paint because we lived in the same house. The one problem after painting is that I didn’t like having to clean up the mess from painting. I would have to do it by myself because we only had one sink that we dump the liquids that isn’t water.


In conclusion, there are many reason my dad is my hero. I think the three main reasons are the best is him being smart, brave, and creative. There maybe many more opportunities that my father will teach me, but maybe not. That would be fine with me either way because he has taught me a lot more than what I could put in this essay over the years.   


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