My Everything | Teen Ink

My Everything

September 7, 2014
By DanielaL BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
DanielaL BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" All Our Dreams Can Come True - If We Have The Courage To Pursue Them. " - Walt Dysney

Do you know why love is blind? Because mothers starts loving you before seeing you. When I look at my mother I realize, through every heart break, every bad situation, every single moment in our lives she will be there. Giving us unconditionally love every day, every single waking moment. This thoughts come into my mind as I stand behind her one day washing the dishes. Seeing her wash her years away, slowly growing old. Time passing by so fast. It's almost unubelievable to see, to heartbreaking to feel. Like every mother and child we argue and laugh but also like a mother to a child, and a child to a mother, we love each other to pieces. In my mind I see my mother as a strong, caring woman. And that’s what she is.


After a terrible accident that had been caused in our family, instead of crying and giving up, she stood back up and pushed us back to reality, giving us the ability to be strong with her. With broken bones and broken faith she stood back up, willing to go back into a chaos, trying to calm it. “Necesitamos que seguir, no importa cuantas veces nos caemos, seguiremos.” And we did. Then when everything was coming back to normal another chaos began. She had a small stroke. The doctors said what caused it was a small hole she had since birth. There are more tests to come and to tell us what exactly we can do to help her. That caused her to become more tired easily, watch what she eats, take all this different medicines, and watch her high blood pressure. But, she became stubborn and is trying to go back like she used to be; healthy, and energetic. Even if achieving closing the hole in heart, it would be impossible for her to come back like she was. Every day she is fighting going through another stressful day and being strong for our family.


Caring is just another word to describe my mother. There’s not enough words to explain how much, my mom means to me. When either my siblings or I get sick, instead of sleeping in her own room she squeezes in with us and I know that even if we are in our thirties she will make sure her babies are safe and healthy. She makes sure all four of us have our portion of food before she gets some herself. Also, like when she says, “Ponganse una bufanda y chamarra esta frio afuera.” Reminds me how much I am grateful for growing up the way I did, having my mom right by my side.


In conclusion mom’s have the world’s toughest job alongside with our fathers. They love us unconditionally, from the moment she felt us kick in her belly our moms became the sun that was radiating off her. She doesn’t get payed to do the job. They know when we get hungry. They’ll do it with love and the only thing they want back is our love to them. To me my mother will be a strong caring person, and no one can top my love her. My mother has impacted me by telling me to be strong in bad situations and to be loving and caring to others.

The author's comments:

Do you know why love is blind? Because mothers starts loving you before seeing you. When I look at my mother I realize, through every heart break, every bad situation, every single moment in our lives she will be there. Giving us unconditionally love every day, every single waking moment. This thoughts come into my mind as I stand behind her one day washing the dishes. Seeing her wash her years away, slowly growing old. Time passing by so fast. It's almost unubelievable to see, to heartbreaking to feel.

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