Breast Cancer Awareness for Barbara | Teen Ink

Breast Cancer Awareness for Barbara

November 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Have you ever had a person be so special to you that you have never even met? I don’t mean your favorite music artist or actor, I mean a loved one. My grandmother died of breast cancer before I was born. She never met either of my sisters and was only aware that my mom was pregnant with my oldest sister. Although I never met her, I still feel a very strong connection towards her.

She was an author of mostly children's books. By reading her stories it makes me feel closer and more connected to her. I feel like with every turn of the page I learn more about her. I have not nearly read all of her books, considering over 40 of just childrens books have been published by her, but you could say it is a goal.

Between reading her books and stories about her from my family it feels as though she is still living. I have learned about the type of person that she was. She was kind, caring, protective, and very fascinated by everyone and their stories.

Because of the more protective side of her she was very protective over her religion. She was Jewish and very proud of it too. She even wrote a book about how my mom wouldn't participate in the choral concert because there was no song about Hanukkah. If anyone was anti Semitic to her they should probably watch out. “I’m not going to sing Christmas carols”, Emily replied softly. “I’m Jewish, and I’m not going to sing Christmas carols.” - Barbara Cohen, Christmas Revolution.

I walk through life aspiring to have her charecter traits. One of the greatest compliments that I have ever recieved from my mom is telling me that I reminder her of her mother. I think about my grandmother a lot and about how much she has effected me and my decisions today. I am proud to be her granddaughter.

In honor of her this month, for breast cancer awarness month, I have drawn on my wrist the breast cancer ribbon. I will keep this on for the month of October. She was an extremely strong person who can put up with most anything. Even having breast cancer wouldn’t stop her from doing what she loved. When she was very sick she was almost finished a book, “Make a Wish Molly”, she felt the need to finish this book so badly, that she read the final words of the book to my aunt. My aunt typed them for her and sent it to be published. Succesfully, she finished the last book she ever wrote. I want to spread awareness because of the amazing people like my grandmother who die at such an early age due to breast cancer. I spread awareness for you grandma. I love you!

The author's comments:
The fact that breast cancer awareness month just ended inspired me to honor my grandmother.

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