The Person Most Worthy | Teen Ink

The Person Most Worthy MAG

By Anonymous

   THE PERSON MOST WORTHY by Mandy S., E. Bridgewater, MA A hero, to me, is someone who shows me right from wrong, but never gets mad at me when I do the wrong thing. A hero is one who would never laugh at me if I did something embarrassing. To most people, a hero is a sports figure, a famous actor or actress, or their mom or dad - and there's nothing wrong with that. But to me, my hero has always been and will always be - me.

We're taught as little children that we should always be ourselves and try to be the best that we can be. At the same time, we see Batman, Superman and Barbie on television and we want to be just like them. But acting like Batman and Superman or trying to be as perfect as Barbie isn't being ourselves - it's being someone totally different. There's nothing wrong with looking up to someone, but if we were taught that we should be our own hero, then we wouldn't have girls who weigh 90 pounds calling themselves fat.

There isn't a person in this world I would rather be than me. I know that I will never laugh at myself when I do something wrong and I will always give myself the right advice when it comes to making decisions. The only way I am ever going to be the best I can be is if I am always myself, no matter what.

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i love this so much!