My hero, my dad | Teen Ink

My hero, my dad

November 12, 2009
By Anonymous

My dad is a terrific guy; he does so much for everyone around him. He owns and manages two businesses, and supports people by providing them with good paying jobs. He takes care of me and my little brother, with the support of my mom. My father helps me and my brother practice our sports and work ethics. My dad’s name is pat, he is my hero, and he means the world to me!

To start off I will tell you about one of his biggest accomplishments. He owns and manages two businesses. I respect him for this because of all of the stress he has to deal with. My dad provides jobs for people that have high abilities in metal working, and the use of heavy duty machinery. He manages his show extremely well and has very loyal customers. This job gives him many advantages and allows him to be home when he needs or wants to be.
My dad and mom do so much for my brother and I, he is an amazing father and only wants what is best for his family. Occasionally it feels like he is doing too much, just to make our life’s simpler. He doesn’t need too but he feels like it s necessary. Sometime he works too many hours and can seem extremely stressed, but I don’t blame him for that, I mean who could? For all he does it would be difficult not to get stressed every once in a while. Even though some days are long, and some are stress filled he always gets through them and still finds time to help my brother and I with athletics.

My brother and plays basketball, and I play fast pitch. My dad does everything he can to help us out with athletics. With my fast pitch, he is always there on the sidelines helping me practice. He helps me work on endurance levels, batting and fielding. You name it he’s there. He does the same thing for my little brother. If Jeter needs help with basketball, my dad is right there coaching him with his form and shot techniques. My dad is always there when we need him for anything and everything. He is one of the most supportive people I know and I love him with all my heart!

Pat, my dad is a genuinely amazing. Dedicated, hardworking man that most people take for granted. But not me! He is my hero because he is an amazing people person, a great husband and an outstanding father. I look up to him with the upmost respect. Pat is a terrific person, husband and father! That is why he is my hero.

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