Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2015
By 6hospelt SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6hospelt SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jim Albers.  That is the name of my 12th grade Environmental Biology teacher.  He is always full of energy, and he cracks a joke whenever the class starts staring into space to get us back on track.  He creates a relaxed atmosphere and makes class fun.  His humorous, open, and witty personality keeps the class interesting.

When you think of a science class, you probably think it's studying and doing lab writeups--and yes I’m not going to lie, there is that--but he is always in a good mood which makes the material interesting. 

He smiles and involves the class in the discussion, which makes things easier to learn.  He helped us remember things by talking from personal experience, making things more interesting  He makes sure we understand the material by going over examples before performing labs and helps us with any questions we may have about it.  In fact he encourages us to ask questions no matter how silly we may think they are. 

I have him first and second hour which is never an easy class to teach since everyone is complaining about how little sleep they got the night before or why they don't want to be at school.  But he knows how to put life into the class with stories and jokes and get us ready to tackle the rest of the day while the time goes whizzing by.

One class period, we went outside to the school woodlot and learned how to identify trees and how to measure them like a forester would.  He explained the process and when he got to the actual measuring, he realized he couldn’t remember where he had put the tools he previously hid for the demonstration.  So he said, “The wood goblins must have gotten them!”  Since they weren’t absolutely necessary, he didn’t waste our time looking for them.  But instead, he told us how to do what we needed with what we had, which shows how he can be funny improvise on the spot without being prepared.

His comedic style of teaching makes the class enjoyable.  During work time, or when he is not teaching, he’ll ask students about their personal life to get to know everyone a little bit more.  The class doesn’t seem like a chore like other classes because he makes it interesting, and fun to learn.

I have had Mr. Albers for a total of 3 semesters, and every time I walk into his class, I look forward to a fun day.  He is a great teacher and makes everyone enjoy the class.  He is full of energy and his unusual personality makes the class enjoyable.  There is never a dull moment in his class.

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