Bringing the Outside In | Teen Ink

Bringing the Outside In

October 6, 2015
By Jstevens BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jstevens BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have been an anxious person for a long time. But music has always been a comfort with my life. I was involved in music throughout school, but when I got to Enid High School; the size of the band increased making me feel more surrounded.

My band director, on the first day of school, came in the room enthusiastically yelling, “Good morning, my young musicians!”

Mr. Anderson had a way of perking up my day. Walking into a room plastered with the school colors and everything related with the “Big Blue Band,” there was an energy that could not be described. He was like Gary Busey without the fame.

Obesity was a problem in my high school, and our drill was a little difficult for those who were out of shape. Mr. Anderson was not in shape either, but he would get on the field with us and do all the drills, every morning. He would help the out of shape students by not making them feel alone and by starting a workout session in the band room after school where the gym teacher did exercises to help students.

He started off the day by making jokes about himself saying,“cut the notes short…shorter than me!” or “for Jebediah!” (which was a joke about a dead uncle he had, who we needed to wake up with our sound.) He showed students we have to laugh at ourselves to laugh in life.

And he was always thoughtful. Mr. Anderson brought me in into a group of friends, and he brought me into the band family. He organized band picnics where we would sit around and eat lunch. Before every show, we would march and then we would stand in a circle and sing “We Are a Family” -- a song Mr. Anderson wrote himself. He brought everyone in and made them feel accepted. He made me feel like I did not have anything to worry, making me feel like I belonged.

There was one student who lived thirty minutes outside of town who could not get to school on time. So Mr. Anderson woke up early every day to go get the student from his house, and bring him to school to be at band by 7:15am. And then after school, he would take him home too. He did not do it because he had to or because he was being paid--instead, he did it because he was a thoughtful and caring person.

Mr. Anderson made my high school experience the best and I will always be thankful for that. As a father, a jokester, and an educator, Mr. Anderson knew it all.

That's why I nominate Robert Anderson of Enid High School as educator of the year.

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