Mrs. Carnell | Teen Ink

Mrs. Carnell

February 14, 2024
By 4stechner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4stechner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I walked into Advanced Composition senior year at Arrowhead Union High School, I was always greeted with, “Good Morning.” I was often the first one in class, and I can’t recall a day Mrs. Carnell didn’t ask me how I was doing.
I will never forget coming home from school and having my parents tell me I got something in the mail from school.
As I opened the mail expecting it to be junk, I let out a smile when I realized it was a little message from Mrs. Carnell.
I appreciate your enthusiasm each day. Although it’s early, you put in effort and dedication to write something you’re proud of. Please know that your respect and hard work is valued.
Mrs. Carnell
This was the first time in my entire high school career that a teacher had gone out of their way to not only send me an appreciation letter home, but a note to every one of her students.
I remember preparing for another piece of writing, Mrs. Carnell had shared an example of her own. Many students were not yet awake as this was the first class of the morning. Yet, everyone perked up when she began reading her piece of writing. It started with the name of a student followed by a line with a good trait about them. As she had gone through everyone's name a smile appeared on everyone's face. This was just one of the instances Mrs. Carnell went above and beyond for her students.
I believe it’s really hard to acknowledge the difference someone can make in your life until you don’t have them anymore. But even after the semester ended and new classes brought new teachers, Mrs. Carnell still makes an impact in my life.
Mrs. Carnell has done even more than this. Countless times Mrs. Carnell has helped me with revisions on my college essay regardless of when I ask. I can’t thank her enough for her constant help that got me accepted into schools all around Wisconsin and embarked on a new journey as I began my career in the Army.
Now when I walk into the class I’m left with a memory of a teacher who truly cares for all of her students. I appreciate everything she has done for me and will never forget all of her help.

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