Educator Of The Year | Teen Ink

Educator Of The Year

November 19, 2019
By GeorgeLopez BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
GeorgeLopez BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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I couldn't seem to figure out what was going on. I tried asking a friend and they didn't know either. Usually I don't ask teachers for help but I had to ask because I was clueless. I asked Mr. Fechter, my freshman year math teacher at Arrowhead if there was any chance he could help me and he said that he was available to help me seventh hour when he was free. Instead of grading tests in his room or doing other math related work he took time out of his day to go to the library and help me out.

I didn't know that this middle-aged fun looking math teacher would help so much. It felt weird at first when it was just me and him sitting in the library, but I slowly started to realize he genuinely wanted to help me to better understand the class. I was able to do problems with ease after a few times with him. There were even times where he let me retake a quiz I did badly on and I would be the only one who was allowed to do that even though we weren't ever allowed to retake quizzes ut let me because he cared so much about my grade and wanting to see me improve.

He also knew how to make people laugh. Although I would struggle in class, he would always tell funny stories (not related to math at all) that made me actually be excited for once to go to math class. I could tell when he was going to start talking about something off topic, the class knew they were in for a treat because his stories were fantastic. Like how one time he put his boss into a porta potty and knocked it over while he was in there. Or the time when he told us about one of his crazy neighbors.

He encouraged me to get better at math and how to improve on it. Not every teacher is willing to do that. Most teachers would not help as much as he did and take time out of their day and help me.  Even though he had to act tough sometimes to help get a point across, he still made me feel comfortable around him and not feel embarrassed about wanting to get help. He also showed me hard work and studying for even longer than I think I need to makes all the difference. I really do want to thank him for showing me all that he did and the big impact he had on me.

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