Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 19, 2019
By ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dedicated, leader, and big hearted are three words to describe the person and coach that Coach Staus is. I’ve been involved with Coach Staus for three years, playing Arrowhead Boys varsity soccer. He has made me into the person and player I am today. Not only did he make me grow, but he constantly tried to make himself better as well. 

When I think of a coaches characteristics, dedicated is on that list. Coach Staus has worked harder than any of my coaches I’ve ever had. He knows exactly how to beat our opponent, who their best players are, and what their weaknesses are. This is why he is such an outstanding coach. During our regional final game versus Sussex Hamilton, Coach Staus said, “I wanna be up till three am watching film and  getting ready for our next game.” Hearing him say this stuck with me. I knew he wanted to win and to make it far just as much as we did, maybe even more. This impacted me by wanting to win for not only our team but Coach as well. 

Having a leader is one, if not the, most important things to have in any club or sport. Coach Staus was there for everyday practice. He made sure the team did things the right way and at a high intensity. Every game he made a game plan, including film, and watching the teams we played. He showed us how to lead, but he was also one of the leaders. He would tell us everything we need to know and what to do and how to beat them. He said “you have the answers to the test so go use them.” He was 100% right most of the time, and if he wasn’t, he would guide our team to what we need to do differently. By doing this Coach Staus was awarded his 300th win this year not only being a great coach but an outstanding leader as well. I am very honored to be apart of this 300th win for Coach Staus. It was a special night for everyone, the 300th win, conference champions, and also scoring on an amazing last minute goal. 

Connecting with his players is the biggest thing for him. He’s welcoming, trustworthy, and a thoughtful person. Every year his family welcomes our team into their house to eat dinner and enjoy each other's company. He is there for every single player. If something is wrong or bothering a player, he’s the kind of guy to ask what's wrong and be willing to help. 

One of my last memories of playing for Coach Staus was walking to the bus with our seniors after we lost in the Sectional finals. He said, “you guys have been through it all.” I heard the emotion in his voice and seeing him like that made me emotional as well. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, Coach. I will remember it for the rest of my life. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about my soccer coach who has made an impact on me and many other kids at our school. 

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