Cathedral Windows | Teen Ink

Cathedral Windows

December 8, 2017
By akirlin BRONZE, Menahga, Minnesota
akirlin BRONZE, Menahga, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After walking through the entire art museum I finally came to the last exhibit. I had not been impressed with the art I had seen so far, in fact I was disappointed. As I walked into the last exhibit my eyes were overcome with color and they were somehow confused as to where they were supposed to look. As I walked around the room one sculpture popped out at me the most. It was framed with black metal rods and seemed to resemble windows. The art piece that I picked was titled “cathedral windows”, by Gail Katz-James.

The black metal frame was smooth besides the corners where the artist had welded them together, where the metal was slightly bumpy. The frame that surrounded the sculpture created seven unique panes, each one held their own different pattern. Behind each pane hung colorful beads strung together like bracelets that had never received a clasp. The beads were all different shapes and colors. They created the personality of each pane. The sculpture immediately gave me a warm, happy feeling.

This art piece says a lot about how society wants young people to conform. The stiff, backbone like metal rods represent how society holds down those that are unique. The panes are all the same despite some intricate details in the shape of each one. Each rectangular pane is a different person. That the different colored beads behind them are their personalities. Their uniqueness that they are holding in due to the pressure from society.  The pattern of the beads is what they want to do when they grow up, the path that they want to take.

I imagine that each pane represents a house and that the sculpture is a row of quaint houses. Each house is different in color and shape, which represents whoever lives there. One of the panes has lots of ocean colored beads. I imagine that someone very sad lives their, possibly an old man that recently had to mourn the loss of his wife. He now just lives with his dog and is trying to find a reason to live. His wife was his reason, but now that she’s gone he won’t just give up. He is strong and will find his reason.

This art piece represents to me moving on to different stages of life. In each pane the colors change representing how you change throughout life. These changes either just happen or are caused by events that happen in your life.

About a year ago  I got cheated on by not only my boyfriend, but my best friend. He had been my best friend for several months and he had helped me through some really hard times in my life. We then decided that is was more than friendship and started dating. When I found out he cheated I was crushed. I broke up with him and then my personality changed entirely. I turned into someone that wasn’t me at all. I was constantly sad and I felt so alone. My friends tried to help and I tried to pretend that I was fine.  This was all due to the stupid choice that some guy made. It took me months to rebuild the world that he so easily ripped to shreds, and even now in some ways it’s not the same. I don’t trust as easily and I guard my feelings more strongly. I am not as confident in myself.

Having distance from this major event in my life gives me a different perspective. I can see that that event threw me into another stage of my life. It may not have been a happy stage but I like to believe that  there are benefits to everything. A year later, I now have found love again. I have learned to trust again. I am also stronger than I was then because I know I can make it through anything that life throws at me.

Art can have several different meanings even to one person. So when you get a few people looking at the same painting they will all most likely have different opinions. There are also many different forms of art including painting, drawing, and dance. Art is a way that people can show their diversity. Despite our opinions and diversity, art brings us together. Art gives us things in common, it gives us conversations to have.  Although we are diverse and have our own opinions art will forever be one of the many things that brings people together.



The author's comments:

Our class went on a trip to a local art museam and I instantly was inspired by this sculpture called cathedral windows.

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