Faith Exploited | Teen Ink

Faith Exploited MAG

By Anonymous

   I guess it's something that happens all the time. A daughter lies to her mother. But the hard part is when that daughter is your sister. That's when you have to start taking sides. That's when, while you love your sister very much, you wish that she would stop opening up to you. You get torn between Mom and sis. That's when you take the responsibility of a mother into your hands in deciding not to tell Mom about Jeanie's latest exploits. That's when, every once in a while, you wish Daddy still lived at home.

Jeanie's leaving for college soon. She'll love it. It will be freedom without lies. I'll love it too. For me, it will be honesty without guilt. But, at the same time, I'll be worried sick. Be careful out there, Jeanie! I love you. n

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i love this so much!