The Piece: The First Lesson | Teen Ink

The Piece: The First Lesson MAG

By Anonymous

   OK, today we start your new piece.

I am scared.

See, it's nothing that you can't handle.

It frightens me.

You'll be able to do it, with practice.

No way.

Don't worry, we'll plow through it together.

Guide me, I am lost in its darkness.

Listen to me play it, then you can try it.

Slowly, slowly, my eyes need to adjust.

Now you try it; take it slowly.

I am trying to see.

Let's take that measure again.

One more time, I see a glimmer.

Good, that rhythm was right!

It is coming, growing brighter.

Play the phrase from the top of the page.

The light shines steadily.

Great job! You'll be able to do this piece.

Of course.

Here, you take this home and practice, see you next week!

It shines still. I will make it glow for you. It will be

radiant ... I will make it sing.

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i love this so much!