Darren | Teen Ink

Darren MAG

By Anonymous

   i left home for the summer.

i returned to a sick brother.

he had a ruptured appendix.

something they could easily fix.

he lost a great deal of weight,

but could have suffered a worse fate ...

two weeks later,

he was diagnosed,

with the cancer leukemia.

our days turned dark,

he kept his spirits up,

through the pain.

the terrible pain,

that he didn't deserve.

he turned white as a ghost,

thin as a toothpick,

and bald as an old man.

he was weak and sick.

a kind of sick

i have never been exposed to.

My love had grown stronger,

Every day as he did.

He's a fighter, a winner,

From this disease.

Almost normal now,

It seems nothing could go wrong.

But the unforgettable memories,

Will last forever.

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

lima said...
on Sep. 1 2010 at 4:57 am

He is a fighter and so are you.

my brother was diagnosed with leukimia four years ago. he fought, we fought for three years together.