It's Not Easy... | Teen Ink

It's Not Easy... MAG

By Anonymous

   It's not easy ...

by H. C., Norfolk, MA

My name is H. and I have one child who is two years old. But I am a teenage mother. I had a child at the age of 15.

The reason I had a child is because my parents never cared for what I did. I know that's not an excuse, but I also never used protection.

Teenage boys don't worry about getting their girlfriends pregnant because they think it will never happen to them.

Teenage girls feel the same way, so they don't take precautions either, even though there is a thing out there called AIDS.

My message is to all teenagers. Sex is not fun when a child comes along. A child is tough to take care of and teenagers should grow up before they start having sexual relations. Being a teenage mother is hard. So please, think before you do something for that you'll regret the rest of your lives.

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

on Nov. 20 2010 at 1:31 pm
Inlove4ever BRONZE, Haddenham, Other
2 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have loved you forever and forever will!

Is this true?

it must be ery hard, I feel so sorry but you must be a great mum! and love your child if i is true!