One Little Bone Chip | Teen Ink

One Little Bone Chip MAG

By Anonymous

   It could never happen to you. The other person - the one who did or said something bad - but not you. You were a good child, a good daughter, who never got into trouble. Even an athlete. You were a cheerleader, had spirit, good grades, played softball. You were there when your parents needed you to watch the kids. You had straight A's, loved your boyfriend with all your heart. Then one day your world seemed to stop. "It's a simple surgery. It's done every day." Just one little bone chip. That day seemed to change my life forever. That "one little bone chip" turned into a two-inch "accident."

"We somehow got turned around in there."

"You have petite bones."

"You won't be cheering for a while." Their excuses. They haunt me at night. When I can't sleep, I hear their voices over and over again. "You can't live in the past." That's another voice. How can I not? "Don't forget about it. Deal with it." "Don't cry." "Cry. It helps."

So much pain. It doesn't go away. "After your surgery, it won't bother you anymore, right?" That's not true. It's always going to be there. I'll always have the scars. Scars don't go away, but they will fade. The nightmares will fade. The pain and suffering will fade. But when?

Why me? Why couldn't it happen to someone else? I was always good. I did what I was supposed to do. Now I'm in constant pain. What did I do wrong? I'm going to have to live with this for the rest of my life. The pain.

"That's so sad ..." "I can't believe what happened." "How can a doctor mess up a simple surgery like that?" "Was he on drugs or drinking?" "Are they suing?" "That poor girl." They think I can't hear them. I can. I know they always think to themselves, "I'm glad it's not me." I wish it weren't. c

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i love this so much!