Love is Important! | Teen Ink

Love is Important!

February 11, 2009
By Ashley Ward BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
Ashley Ward BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day had come; it was finally time to leave for our family camping trip! The months were slow; it felt like I was waiting for molasses. Every August, all of my family goes camping in Illinois. I love this time of year because I always have a great time hanging with my cousins, and other family. My cousins and I always get in trouble at the campsite, and make life-changing memories.

After driving for 16 long, dreadful hours, we finally arrived to the campsite. The scenery there is amazing. When I stepped out of the car, I heard birds' singing a familiar tune, felt crisp leaves crunching as I walk, and I was thinking, wow, this trip will be great! The sky was a perfect shade of blue; the trees partially bare, but still vivid with color. As I walk to our lot, I see the huge fun-filled arcade, the blue pool and finally the lot where our camper was being placed.

When all the family arrived, we said our wonderful greeting, and then got right to making lunch.
'Mmmm, the menu for today is grilled hotdogs with baked beans and a ripe, pink, watermelon.' yelled my uncle. Smiles spread across all of our faces. This was one reason I loved camping with my family, we have some great food!

After everyone ate lunch, we decided to go swimming! Everyone changed, and then we rode on the golf cart (I got to drive!) to the pool. When we arrived, the pool waters were calm, blue and beautiful. My uncle started all the fun by picking me up swiftly, and dodging me towards the water! Then everyone jumped in and we played sharks and minos for 45 minutes. I could have sworn I was becoming a prune, my skin was so wrinkly. After we dried off, everyone but the teenagers went back to start on dinner, and the teenagers went to the arcade.

When we arrived back at the campsite we a delicious grilled cheese dinner, and then we went on a golf cart ride. My cousins and I changed into our pajamas and then bunched up in the golf cart trying to stay warm. In the middle of the ride, we stopped and looked and the night time sky. It was amazing, the stars shined like diamonds on a ring. Well that brings me to the moral of my story; you should love important things just like I love my family.

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