The Game of Catscratch | Teen Ink

The Game of Catscratch

September 27, 2015
By GoatGreen GOLD, Boise, Idaho
GoatGreen GOLD, Boise, Idaho
13 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
We make a living by what we make, but we make a life by what we give

The game of Catscratch is somewhat like a meditaion/ritual. What the game is, is a kind of like a demonic game in some ways. The way it's played is it requires at least 2 (two) people. Your friend first lifts up his/her shirt reveling the bare back where you take a picture for before and after pictures. Your friend then lays down of his back, closes his eyes and a story is told. Your friend must focus on every word and imagen the story being told in his head. An example of the story told could be like,

Scott (example name) just came out of a bar and was really drunk and he had no money for a cab and knew he couldnt drive so he had to walk home. As he's walking, there were no cars, and the only light sorce was the bright full moon and some street lights. As Scott is walking passed an allyway, he hears a faint cat mew. He didn't think anything of it so he kept walking. About 20 minutes later, he walks by a simaler allyway and hears the same cat mew, although this time it was a little bit louder, more descrete.

So Scott desides, out of curiosity, to wonder into the allyway to look for the cat. as he's walking into the ally, looking through the trash cans and behind the dumpsters, he finally stumbles across and large cat with glowing yellow eyes, which seemed very frighting. The cat comes closer and Scott tries to run but he is somehow bound to that spot. As the demonic cat comes closer, he can smell death of the demon. As the cat comes 5 inches to his face, it lickes his nose, and Scott could feel the sand paper toung. Then, as he dredfully expected, the cat raises its front paw and LEAVES THREE THICK SCRATCHES ACROSS HIS THROUT.

Imediatly after this point, you want to yell "catscratch" 2 times as fast as possible. Then you imediatly turn on the lights and your friend pulls up the back of his shirt and, amazingly, there should be scratches all over his back.

This game is honestly real. i have played it many times and each time the effects were there.

BUT, there are rules to this game, mostly partaning the story.

1. Do not add deaths in the story.

2. Do not add names in the story other than the friend's.

3. Do not make the story longer that 10 to 15 minutes or the effects will be much worse.

4. Do NOT play this game alone, you will freak the **** out.


But, if you want apsolute real results, break all the rule, which, personally, I do all the time. it's much funner that way. Also, the best time to play this story would be around Witching hour (between 1am to 3am)

Good luck on this game and have fun. I know i did.

The author's comments:

This is a real game, i promise.

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Billybobjoe said...
on Aug. 4 2017 at 1:48 pm
I tries this with my friends thinking is was bs. Halfway through her god was going crazy and barking at the wall. We decided to stop and look and she had many straches