That Sweat of Hard Work | Teen Ink

That Sweat of Hard Work

January 21, 2015
By SKAND SILVER, Faizabad, Other
SKAND SILVER, Faizabad, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today I am going to explain about something very unique, or something that no one notices usually!

“What is a change that small drops of salt and water can make” Have you ever thought of it? Did you get what I am talking about? That small drop of water rolling down from forehead towards the blackish neck is what is called hard work to achieve life. A hard work   is what carves and positions one’s life. the drop which gets evaporated by the heat of the body during the hard work has immense power, a power which is obviously virtual , but something that can change anything on this earth , a power who has the enticement of infinity and can rescue one’s life towards bunch of poorness or towards richness . Why I am telling you about hard work because that drop of sweat is visible only when we attain hard work with intelligence in our life, when we do something that needs our intelligence and body agitation. A child uses that hard work and intelligence to make a bright future, a father gives birth to that sweat to fulfill all demands of his family and that sweet curve on their face , A mother does hard work  to feed her family and for regular continuity of life. 

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