Why I like to write(even though I can't write) | Teen Ink

Why I like to write(even though I can't write)

January 4, 2015
By smishra SILVER, New Delhi, Other
smishra SILVER, New Delhi, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“we all suffer in our different ways from being prisoners of birth.”
― Jeffrey Archer, A Prisoner of Birth

                                            “Your writing voice is the deepest reflection of who you are.”
                                                                                                                                                     -Meg Rosoff

             I have been writing for a long time and I find it the most enjoyable of all the activities I have tried my hand at. Truth be told, through the process of elimination, writing was one of the only hobbies I am not completely rubbish at. So, writing is something that I hold very close to my heart and devote a lot of time. Since I am so devoted to writing, people always seem to think that the stories I write will be, well, outstanding. But truth is told: I am rubbish at writing stories. Not completely rubbish but pretty rubbish. Even then I write because there are many factors involved which lead me to enjoy writing a lot.

Stories have always held a special place in my heart from the very starting. I did not exactly have a bustling social life while growing up and had a free time. So, naturally, I was attracted to books. While other children were playing ‘TAG’, I was with The Famous Five on their new adventure. Books were my safe haven. The characters did not know me so they  couldn’t  judge me nor could they stop me from getting involved in their adventures. Since then, I have tried to write stories which seem inclusive and entertaining. I just want one person to pick up any one of my stories and feel like it’s’ their safe haven. I haven’t succeeded and don’t know if I will, but I will keep on trying till I do.

Another thing I love about stories that every story will have a bit of drama. For some reason, I have always had a flair for drama and have been attracted to it. But the real fun is when the writer is able to convey the feelings of the character through words. Just words, nothing else. No pictures, no props, no special features, just simple, innocent words. I have tried to do that for a long time but I am never happy with anything I write. Never have I read one of my stories and thought that is something, I think people will enjoy. All I ever think is how someone else could write it much better than me.

The last is the union of words. Stories are made up of words and sentences, whose letters alone would not make any sense.  For example, the word ‘love’. Alone ‘L’, ‘O’,’V’ or ‘E’ make no sense but together they form a word, under which even the strongest crumble and the weakest may finally emerge as victors.

These are the reasons I like writing and will always. Sure, I am not going to be the next J.K Rowling or Charlotte Bronte’ but I am going to keep on writing. I will keep writing and try to pump out stories which may become someone’s’ favorite. A story someone may pick up on a rainy day or when they are depressed. Stories that will make someone laugh when they are down. A story whose characters may become someone’s friends. A story that may help someone the way the way stories did for me. That is all I want to do. I am not looking for recognition or for accolades but for just a chance to put a smile on someone’s’ face. Because for me, that makes all the difference.

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