Kids vs. Parents | Teen Ink

Kids vs. Parents

May 29, 2014
By Adriela Dolor BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Adriela Dolor BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kids vs. Parents

Are kids encountering too much pressure in their lives? Although it is hard to believe that kids can even experience that type of stress, it’s even more shocking to realize that parents might be the main cause of this mess. Adults only want best for their kids, but while doing so they are preventing their children to being free, independent, and happy. Adults have had their chance to be kids, so it’s only fair that they give their kid a childhood of their own. Therefore, adults have their future to control, it’s expected that kids must have their future and life to control too. Guidance and encouragement is so important in life, but there is such a thing as too much encouragement. Kids should always feel comfortable and supported at home, but it’s hard to do so while parents are trying to micromanage every aspect of your short life.

Kids should be kids! Adults should be adults, not the other way around. I feel that kids should just spend most of their childhood, just being themselves. Kids have experienced too much stress for their age, worrying about their future and where they will be in 15 years. Although, it is expected that kids should be thinking about what they want to do, they shouldn’t be forced to permanently pick a future that they’re parents recommend. Kids have ¾ of their lives to decide and to be concerned about professions. Which means that kids only have a quarter to be free and relax. Adults need to understand that kids need this. However, this does not mean that kids should be given complete freedom. Kids are still expected to behave and to mature so they can be prepared and have proper behavior for their future. It’s not doubt that the children of ‘Snowplow’ parents have got this factor down, but what they’re lacking is independence. ‘Snowplow’ parents are people who only want what’s best for their kids, but while doing so, they become too strict, over-controlling, and over all, ignorant to their kids’ feelings. As a result, the children of these parents tend to be shy and have a hard time expressing their true opinions. Overall, kids have encountered stress way too much in their lives.Childhood doesn’t last forever, so kids should cherish it while they can.

While it is important that kids should be lead into the right path, it’s also very important that they shouldn’t be given too much guidance. It is true that kids can sometimes be very naïve when it comes to certain decisions. Also, it’s not unusual to find kids that believe themselves to be invincible to the world’s common problems. Adults are here to train children and prepare them for the world ahead. But they should not be giving them exact and specific instructions on how they should run their lives. Adults are also at fault! Because of all the direct needs that adults recommend for their kids, children won’t be able to develop a ‘voice’ of their own. Without a ‘voice’ of their own, they won’t be able to make their own decisions later in their future. Since adults always persevere to make sure that their kids are always on the right path, eventually, when adults are no longer in the lives of their children, kids will have a hard time to make their own choices without being completely confident about their decision. Adults do know the right path to success, but what they should really know is how to encourage their children and giving them correct guidance while still allowing them to cut their own path.

On the other side of this argument, some parents might argue that they only want ‘best for their kids’. Through all the discipline and obedience parents demand from their kids, they hope that their children will grow up to be strong and successful adults. Although, their kid have suffered through a majorly strict childhood, parents expect that it will all be worth it in their adult life. Most likely, parents act likes this because they actually do want what to have their kids live a nice life. To get kids to that state, parents must push their kids into doing absolutely the best that they can do in everything they do! There’s always room for improvement, but not enough for failure. They want them to have a great and successful life that they probably didn’t have. It’s not unusual to find parents trying to live their life through their kids.

Surely, if parents realized the pressure they are implanting in their kids’ lives, they would stop. Kids are always the target of over controlling parents. Guidance is very important in life but parents don’t know how to measure it. They don’t know when to stop, to discipline, or when to care. Which leads to neglection in many children of controlling parents. Kids must rely on their own ‘voice’ and conscience to make important decisions of their own. They shouldn’t be forced to pick a choice because it is what their parents would have made. While education and success is majorly important in life, in my opinion, happiness is the big picture of life. If people aren’t sincerely happy with their lives, then what exactly is the main goal in life?

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