At The Mall | Teen Ink

At The Mall

October 30, 2013
By mansh BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
mansh BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tori and I were sitting in the back of her grandma’s car and we are headed to the mall. When we finally got to the mall and then we went to our favorite store and it was called Aeropostale. We were going through the store and then we saw some random person coming toward us. We started running. As we were running we constantly looked behind us to see where he was, he wasn’t there. We started walking to the lunch area to get something to eat. Tori called her grandma to tell her that we were going to be at the mall longer than what we thought.

We left the food court and started walking to American Eagle. As we were headed to the store I swear that the guy was behind us. Then we started to get a call on the phone and we didn't know who it was. We picked up the phone, it was a guy breathing really heavy, then he started talking.

He said, “I’m coming to find you.

“NO!” Shiann yelled.

“Yes, I want you!” the guy said running toward us.

“Why do you want us” Tori yelled back to the guy chasing us.

We went for the doors to get outside so we could get in our car and leave, but then we realized we would have to have someone come pick us up. Then we realized he could have someone waiting in a car so he can just hop right in and follow us somewhere. The guy ended up trapping us with 6 other men with him. They were all in masks. To men lunged for us trying to grab our arms so they could take us somewhere.

“RUN!!!!!” Tori yelled to Shiann.

“Don’t even think about it.” The man without a mask on says.

“What do you want with us anyway.” Shiann asked all of them.

“You will find out if you come with us” They all said to us.
We later found out that the men wanted to tell us that we just won tickets to a concert. Plus they also told us that all of this was a stunt so they could see how we would react to someone in a mask trying to take us somewhere.

The author's comments:
I was just wanting to write about it.

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