Controlling your emotions | Teen Ink

Controlling your emotions

October 30, 2013
By mikeross BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
mikeross BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were on our way to a six flags in baltimore , Maryland i was playing on having so much fun .
My heart was pounding . When we got there my momentum started to change , i seen it was alot
of people . The lines were so long ‘ i actually had a couple thoughts about leaving and just going
back home. In my head i was thinking could this day get worst!

Me & my family started to head toward the main gate , we seen a couple clouds forming . We
thought it would rain . But thats not even the worst thing. We finally got into the park and got into
line for a ride . When we got to the line the poster said 2 hours until we reach the front . I was so
angry the time felt like it was going by so slow .

My Emotions were getting the best of me. I Asked the lady that was walking to the front of the
line because she had a flash pass , could i got with her . She told me NO, my blood started to
rush so fast i did not want to stand for 2 hours . I was ready to leave, i took a look at the sky &
the clouds were so dark , it actually started to drizzle .
I just wanted to cry i felt like my day was wasted. The line was moving veryslow i had been in line for about 45 minutes. The good thing that made me smile was people started to leave because of the rain. My mother said we might have to leave , I just tried to stay calm.

I started to control my emotions , my day seemed to get better . By that time the line was moving
quick. I could finally see the front , once again my blood started rushing through my body , I got
happy. I looked to my left & seen a sign that said 15 minutes to the front. Well My Day got better.
The clouds started to clear , the wind started to blow .

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