Threataning launch | Teen Ink

Threataning launch

May 7, 2013
By attalla louis BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
attalla louis BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Attalla Louis
7th Hour/Language Arts
Miss Cusumano
May 6, 2013
North Korea

Going back to the historic travesty of 9/11 of terrorists bombing the twin towers witch hurt the US nation. Now we’re dealing with North Korea a country that’s very secretive. No one knows what’s going to come from them next. People don’t even know why there threatening to launch a missile against the US probably because of their big hatred and jealousy for us

Throughout this threatening missile lunch attack by North Korea It doesn’t seem to hurt nor affect the feeling of the US nation because they know together they will not hurt them.

North Korea has not officially announced launching a missile but has told diplomats in Pyongyang that they can’t guarantee their safety starting Wednesday because of this South Korea was told to take deep cover and be alert if anything dose happen. If anything dose happen there will most likely be war and the death of many.

North Korea attack might not have scared the US nation on the outside but on the inside. Now that we’ve been threatened we should be prepared to defend our self’s and attack back. The hatred Korea has for the US is unbelievable which means they will be prepared to do anything to hurt us.

If North Korea is really planning to attack what will come out of it, war. What will people do, how will we be able to stop them. The safety of the people is most important how we will be able to insure it. So far everyone has been really calm about it and that’s a good thing or else people would be running around screaming for their life. We won’t really know what will happen in the future but only time will tell.

This threatening missile attack on the US has not scared us if that is their intention of North Korea. It actually made us stronger this made us come together and realize why we should be scared. Nothing will Hurt US we are one Nation and if anyone trying to hurt that, they will fail and we will stand as one and fight together if we ever have too.

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