Don't Wanna Be Left Alone | Teen Ink

Don't Wanna Be Left Alone

January 29, 2013
By LifeIsAJourney829 SILVER, Kannapolis, North Carolina
LifeIsAJourney829 SILVER, Kannapolis, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Look past the eyes, and gaze into the sky, whenever you feel like your about to cry. Look up and down and left and right, to catch a beautiful sight. - Me "Christian Torres"

I feel all alone.
I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5

People all around, bodies on the ground............
Don't wanna be left, left in this world alone, crying about that one name on this stone.
Don't wanna cry nor die. Can't feel all alone, cause I'm never on my own.
Got to keep my head held high, to the sky..........
Don't wanna to be left, left in this world alone, with all my scars to be opened and shown.
Don't wanna be ignored all I want is you lord. Can't keep my head down, while I walk through this town.
Got to be brave, got to be strong, this is why I'm singing this song...
(Chorus:) Don't wanna be left, left in this world alone (3x)
Can't walk with dignity...
Even if I plea.
Can't walk with sanity...
Cause I don't feel free.)
Screaming in my ear, makes me feel so dear...
Don't wanna be left, left in this world alone, don't wanna be ignored nor unknown.
Don't wanna scream nor dream. Can't feel so happy, cause I feel so sappy.
Got to walk through this town, this place, with no happy trace...
Don't wanna be left, left in this world alone, like my voice is decreasing by one single tone.
Got to keep my head up, or my life will erupt-------!!!..........
(Chorus:) Don't wanna be left, left in this world alone (3x)
I feel so closed in...
Seeing your pathetic grin.
I feel like one dang sin...
Underneath this skin.)
I feel a closing in living this way, just by the way it looks this won't be my day...
Don't wanna be left, left in this world alone, feeling like my mind will never have grown.
Don't wanna be hurt nor being assert...
(Chorus:) Don't wanna be left, left in this world alone----------(3x)

*Life Iz A Jurney* ;D

The author's comments:
I hate being alone in this world, and I always feel like it. I should really know I am not, because I have GOD and he says I'm not alone at all.

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