Who I Am | Teen Ink

Who I Am

November 30, 2012
By Alyssa1294 BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
Alyssa1294 BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being a teenager is tough. Parents expect more out of you – like getting a job. I work at an insurance company answering phones all day. It would not be bad, if people could hear my name correctly on the phone. I dread being called Melissa.
“Icon Insurance this is Alyssa.”
“Hi Melissa.”
The call is transferred. Trying to be customer pleasing, I use a CLEAR friendly voice. It does not bother me. It’s an annoying fly that lands and then flies away.
“Icon Insurance this is Alyssa.”
“Hi Melissa.”
I try to talk loudly without yelling. This time it gets a little worse. It’s more like a mosquito bite that itches for a little while.
“Icon Insurance this is Alyssa.”
“Hi Melissa.”
Now I’m irritated. It has now reached from a little fly to the biting mosquito¬¬ to a BIG bee. The bee sting is more painful and lasts longer than the mosquito bite. The frustration is so built up that the rest of the day is annoying. I try to rush through the other work needed to be done and my attitude changes from friendly and happy to be there to get me out of this place.
My name is Alyssa. I like to make the best out of every situation. Animals are cute when they are young and don’t jump on me. Sports and movies keep me entertained and sleep is a major priority. I was not born to be a Melissa, who is more restrained and very cautious. “Icon Insurance this is ALYSSA.”

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