Being My Own Business | Teen Ink

Being My Own Business

September 14, 2012
By sniper13 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
sniper13 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think Chandler Headdy’s article,” Being My Own Boss,” was something I could relate to because I farm and I have to worry about our crops, too. That’s because its what brings in the money during the fall.

She should put an electric fence around the corn field to keep all the rabbits, racoons, and deer out of the corn. She should also spray the field with fertilizer so the insects wont contaminate the corn. Every time we plant we put an electric fence around the sweet corn. If she had thought of this before she would have more money than before. We both need healthy crops, so the people in our towns will have fresh and healthy food and not cold and frozen foods like you buy in the Super Market. So thats what Chandler should do to get more crops in the next year.

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