Sun Vs Moon | Teen Ink

Sun Vs Moon

May 22, 2024
By KariysaJ_ BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
KariysaJ_ BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They, the moon
“Shaggy like wool”
“Nappy like a ball of mixed yarn”
Each curl handled with delicate care-
All for it to be unseen.

In a way that makes you unwanted
In a way that you know what the earth wants,
But you can’t give

They, the sun
“Smooth like silk”
“Blonde like the sun's vibrant rays”
Golden locs that the people know and want.
Something the moon can’t attain.

Moons can’t attain that.
It wasn’t meant for them to have
Moons can never shine bright enough,
Never like the angelic rays of the sun

The moon was made not to shine
If it was
How would the sun get its love for coming out?
How would the sun be told it’s beautiful and vibrant?

Moons are told they have to stay in the dark
Moons are told to stare at the sun’s beauty,
Yet Sun’s don’t stare back,
Just spin round and round for the earth to love.

Without the Earth paying attention to the Moon,
It starts to feel cold and hollow.
All the beauty that their curls bring,
Getting longer and longer as the years go by.

The Moon’s hair tells a story,
One that Sun’s could never tell.
But Moon’s will continue to wait their turn,
Since the Sun is still telling their story.

The author's comments:

Hope you guys enjoy!! <3

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