Innocent before proven guilty? | Teen Ink

Innocent before proven guilty?

October 31, 2022
By Savyyy SILVER, Independance, Missouri
Savyyy SILVER, Independance, Missouri
5 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Let your unique awesomeness and positive energy inspire confidence in others.”

As many know, Adnan Syed the supposed killer of his ex-girlfriend hae min lee and was convicted of supposedly strangling her on the day of January 14th, 1999 at Leakin Park in baltimore,maryland. Adnan was sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years due to his young age. Although, as for Adnan, he didn't get a fair trial, and he wasn't guilty. A few things you should know before I splurge on how Adnan's innocence is for one, the fact that Adnan's friend jay called him out on it. Jay explained to the cops about how adnan buried the body and killed her and well even tho jay admitted to helping, he never got the punishment he deserved and later on you will understand that jays story was not adding up or making a whole bunch of sense which is interesting considering the fact jays story was the state's case. With that being said, Adnan Syed Is Innocent and was wrongfully convicted at the age of 19 and continuously received unfair trials in the process.   Thanks to Serial his story was heard and has been listened to throughout the world. 


There was a clear unfairness in the case trials, many happened repeatedly some more or less. Now, One thing that I know for sure is that his alibi was not shown at court leading into how Adnan Syed had been given an unfair trial. His witness, the person that could of helped or his alibi, Asia McClain was never informed about his trial even after sending letters to him days later about how he was indeed at the library in the time of the murder of his ex and she was never herd of at trial. The best evidence would be Asia McClai’s letters to him while he was wrongly imprisoned and he may not have been put into jail. The first letter stated 

“Dear Adnan --I hope I spelled it right. I'm not sure if you remember talking to me in the library on January 13, but I remember chatting with you." (Koenig)

 Another thing is how they never tested for full proof evidence; evidence that could have been vital or crucial to his trial. The thing tested, fingernails were negative yet they were still doing the trial.

During Adnan's trial the state’s case was very far-fetched and filled with lies from jay.. One of the states claims were that he would know how to kill Hae due to him being a EMT and that requires that person to know how to manually strangle someone. I mean in some way they may teach you that but they didn't hand him a book and say “Read this to efficiently and manually strangle someone.”.Another thing is that Jay's lies, and more than once. He lies about the phones at best buy, the locations and of course adnan even doing any of it. On the first tape he says that he didn't know ahead of time that Adnan was apparently going to kill Hae but yet in the 15th recording or tape he says that he knew ahead of time because adnan stated “Im going to kill that *bleep*.”. Yes, Adnan could have gone and gone through all that hassle to get to each place and Koenig has in fact tested the route. One thing is that it would need to be perfect, no traffic, no mess ups, and  No wrong turns.


Along with the jays outrages lies about Best Buy phones or the info upon where the body was and all the confusion where all ways that have proved Adnan’s evidence. Therefore, When one considers The unfair trial, The states far fetched claims, and the lingering phone bills and call logs inconsistencies, it’s clear that Adnan was innocent and wrongfully was convicted.


Work Cited

Koenig, Sarah. “Serial Season 1.” Serial: Season One, Accessed 26 October 2022.

The author's comments:

(P.s. Adnan Syed was released a while ago and is now a free man!)

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