Home for the Summer | Teen Ink

Home for the Summer

October 24, 2022
By 3neubert SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3neubert SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Going up north each summer is a time I look forward to like no other. Being secluded from the crazy and intense summers at home is the perfect solution sometimes. Driving through the small town of Hatfield with my windows down, taking in the fresh smell of the pine needles on the hundreds of trees that surround the lake, is a soothing feeling. Looking out at the dark, gold Black river that softly flows into the channel of the lake is breathtaking. The golden brown lake is hidden from the city of Black River Falls, tucked behind the pine trees that cover the area like skyscrapers. 

My family has gone up to our small cabin for as long as I can remember—a tradition that has been passed down from when my father was only a child. Gathering around the campfire with the rest of my family, makes me appreciate the little things in life. The fragrance of the smokey fire and sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline puts my mind at ease for the weekend. The moon reflecting on the glass-like water and the howling of the coyotes off in the distance are two beautiful forms of nature. 

Each unique form of nature creates a form of peace and happiness, which brings me back to my cabin each and every summer.

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