My Name Belongs | Teen Ink

My Name Belongs

October 5, 2022
By lizzie_arrowhead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
lizzie_arrowhead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name? My name means the oath of God. It is a name originally in Hebrew. It means lily flower, one whose beauty is shown through its elegant white petals and purity. A flower that signifies innocence and rebirth.

There are others who share the same name as me. Queen Elizabeth, the staple of England who was as pure as her name itself. Lizzie Bennet, the protagonist of Pride and Prejudice who always states her mind. Who is ready to break down any rules against her. 

Yet, I do not identify myself with the “holy” side of my name. Or the lilies. Nor do I identify as someone as remarkable as the Queen. Or someone as iconic as Lizzie Bennet. 

On the contrary, Lizzie is a youthful, bright name. Lizzie is jazz music. It is a name that is meant for dancing. 

Yes, I believe I fit this description of the name much better.

Lizzie is a zig-zag. Not knowing what she will do. Always on her toes. Lizzie is not stationary or held by standards in the past. 

Lizzie, who has no worries. Who is ready to start listening to “Dizzy Miss Lizzy” at any moment. The color hot pink, whose glow shoots out as a difference from other colors. Who isn’t afraid of standing out.

Lizzie is a name that is meant to stand out. Meant to do things that really mean something. At least to someone. I want to be this Lizzie. Not held back by anyone or anything. Yes, the Lizzie who is ready to dance and have a good time.

Lizzie, the nickname that was given to me in middle school. Maybe I really do suit this name. If not, why would anyone choose this name for me? I feel as if I am still trying to be as great as this name that was given to me. At least right now I do.

Lizzie. This seems like a name I want to live up to.

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