In Fifteen Years | Teen Ink

In Fifteen Years

June 3, 2022
By Anonymous

In 15 years, the year will be 2037 and I will be 31. My teenage years will be long gone and my 20s will have just ended. I have no idea where I will be or what I’ll be doing. I don’t really care. I find solace in letting life run its’ course, as cliche as that is. There are things about myself that I hope don’t change in the next fifteen years like loving animals, wanting to meet new people, being excited to try new things, and eager to learn more. There are also things that I kind of expect to happen like graduating college, finding a ‘good’ job, and becoming financially stable. But really, I don’t think of any of those things when I think about the next fifteen years of my future. Actually, I think about the fun stuff. I think about listening to Sufjan Stevens in Crema, Italy with my best friend reminiscing about the first time we watched “Call Me By Your Name”, rescuing a dog like my parents did when I was five, decorating my apartment with my collection of old knick-knacks and trinkets that I’ve wasted money on for years, and studying abroad like I’ve wanted to do ever since I saw my dance teacher post her studying abroad experience on Instagram when I was in third grade. 

There are so many “I’s” in my writing. Sometimes I forget that as I grow and age, so does everyone I love. In 15 years, my parents will be in their mid 60’s, hopefully, retired and relaxing. In 15 years, my sister will be 34, hopefully, more organized, and still as smart as ever. In 15 years, I could be having a high school reunion, hopefully, I convince myself to go. In 15 years, hopefully, I won’t look back on myself now and cringe too much. In 15 years so much will happen and I know it will go so fast. 

Adult voices saying “these are the best years of your life” rings in my ears like a mosquito on a summer night. I know that statement is supposed to make me excited—and it does—but it also makes me think, what do you do after you turn 30? From the way adults talk, it seems like all the stuff that is worth living for comes to a halt when you reach 30. I know this is far from the truth, but when I think further into the future, like 30 or 40 years, I really hope that I’m still saying yes to new opportunities, staying in touch with old friends, finding new friends, staying active, and finding things that make life unpredictable. I think as soon as a person lets life become repetitive, boredom ensues. So, I am hopeful for my future, even after 15 years. As of right now, though, I have no idea what it will look like. Hopefully, I’m rich.

The author's comments:

This is for my Composition final exam

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