What The world's hottest pepper does to you | Teen Ink

What The world's hottest pepper does to you

May 22, 2022
By Anonymous

The Hottest pepper is the Carolina Reaper. It Ranks 1,600,000 on the Scoville scale and the hottest one is 2,100,000. The Scoville scale determines heat, and some estimates show that there might be an even hotter pepper called dragons breath, iconically because, If it were to exist it would be a whopping 2,500,000 on the Scoville scale.  Peppers are full of microbes called Capsaicin that trigger the receptors that the human body has for heat. There are millions of these receptors so the heat is twice as much, and eating the Carolina Reaper, a pepper with 1,300,000,000,000 Nanograms of capsaicin. It is not pleasant. First, your body or brain tells you to win a Guinness world record so you do. You eat the Carolina reaper and regret it. It is excruciatingly hot and you start to not drink milk for the record. Well, you break the record and start drinking lots of milk. Milk has a chemical substance that helps stop Capsaicin, Not for long. Your body immediately tries to cool down in 3 ways. First, your body begins to sweat, second, you begin to have tears, and finally, you have a runny nose. It doesn’t look good. Your esophagus tries to defend itself. It becomes very watery and moist to stop the capsaicin from touching any more receptors. WHile pepper may seem bad it is good for your body, well not too much of it. Capsaicin helps make the process of digesting more quickly. It does this because your body doesn’t want any more capsaicin so it works as quickly as it can, here comes the bad part now generally the Carolina reaper is very hot and your body will work so quick to flush it out that you lose a lot of water, That causes diarrhea and your brain can’t compensate the speed it’s doing this and some arteries break and brain cells fall and die out. You can get a concussion leading to a coma now that's not good for your body at all.  Studies have shown that chili sauce is a no-go for your body because it releases Capsaicin much more quickly than pepper or other hot things. Now if a Carolina reaper sauce got invented the results could be fatal. If you can reduce the amount of Capsaicin you eat or you can eat low quantity capsaicin foods and lastly you can eat 2 chilies a month, All biologically beneficial for your body.

The author's comments:

The worlds hottest pepper can actually kill you.

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