Follower | Teen Ink


January 20, 2022
By Anonymous

Often we are asked the age old question: What's your personality like? For me, one of my personality traits is that I am a follower, I always have been. Following others is my personality. I like to think I fit in because I try to fit in. I know being a “follower” is not always the best personality trait to have, but it's my trait. I look to popular girls for new shoes or jewelry. I look to tiktok for the newest trends. I look to Instagram for outfits. 

I follow everyone – mostly. I follow things that also fit into all my other personality traits. My style, I love to dress comfy and casual. I tend to follow the comfy cute clothes more than the mom jeans and a stylish shirt trend because it's just not me. I guess I follow to an extent, but I like my life that way. It makes me more confident that I'm fitting in while also being myself and I wouldn't want it any other way. 

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