2021 Kindness Contest: My Type of Kindness | Teen Ink

2021 Kindness Contest: My Type of Kindness

November 7, 2021
By SargeStuff SILVER, Grand Junction, Colorado
SargeStuff SILVER, Grand Junction, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Sometimes following your heart means losing your mind.” -Ernest Hemingway

I am not a hero; I have never rescued someone from a burning building or offered myself as a sacrifice by taking a bullet for someone else. I've never given all of my money to a charity or given up all of my time and efforts to save the planet. I am a child growing up in one of the cruelest times in history: the twenty-first century.  I have no extraordinary act of kindness nor can I even think of one that I have ever done that would qualify in the eyes of the people.  However, I am my own worst critic. But I am a kind person, and I believe that being kind in this society is quite extraordinary, not just because of where I grew up, but also because of who I grew up with. I have grown up with kids who would sooner curse their parents than converse with them, much alone have a meaningful conversation. I grew up with divorce all around me, even if my parents weren't divorced, so I understand love but don't know how to show it in this day and age where love is only ever defined behind a bedroom door. Nonetheless, I was always told to prevail, and rise above. I try but it’s hard, but every time I am out with friends and getting up I ask if anyone needs anything, not because I was taught to but because I want to help. But, if I see someone who is having a bad day or who appears to be in need of someone, I don't wait for someone else to step in because I want to be that person for them. I may not be the most popular or liked, but I always give it my all. I'll wait since I know how it feels to be behind because the group left you behind for whatever reason. Even after I had my Airpods stolen, my schedule screwed up for next year, and a sticky Coke poured on me, I offer to help my parents whenever I can, even after a bad day of school for eight hours or a three-hour practice that our coach made us run for the most of as a punishment. Because I don't know what day they had, I offer. I'm kind because I've experienced what it's like to be treated badly. I try because I've been the one who has been left alone and has no idea what it's like because no one has tried hard enough for me. Kindness has no monetary worth, but it is the most valuable commodity. Kindness is difficult to come by on most days, and it takes a lot of effort to give it effectively and fully, but it is a choice. Every day, you have the option to choose it; even small acts add up to save someone one day.

The author's comments:

Flash Essay Contest, 500 Words or Less: An Extraordinary Act of Kindness!

Has 482 words! Enjoy!

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