The one who Changed my Life for Every in Ways you Wouldn’t Think | Teen Ink

The one who Changed my Life for Every in Ways you Wouldn’t Think

October 29, 2021
By SugarRush81 BRONZE, Hemet, California
SugarRush81 BRONZE, Hemet, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't need it to be easy I need it to be worth it

He was so cute that every girl liked him. You were tall, had that nice curly hair, Mexican everything most girls liked that I knew, and yet he chose me. A plain girl, the girl who sits in the back of the class and just does her work quietly and only talks outside of class. The girl everyone knew because of her grades and would ask for help. The feeling of walking around school holding his hand made my stomach into knots or when he cared for me like I was a little kid it was magically like a fairytale. That was until he had to move it was a nice Saturday afternoon he called me “I have something to tell you. In my head I am thinking he is breaking up with me. I asked in a very sad quiet voice “what is it” “I am moving to phoenix I dropped my phone and got a bit tired. It was like a wave crashing down on me or like being hit by a car. I asked “we are just going to be together right” he answered, “yes of course why would that stop us from being together”.In my head, I am thinking who is going to hold my hand who is going to care me around like a kid who is going to be my prince to my princess I felt like crying I was broken but the worst yet was to come. We went to school the next day as nothing happened but yet I couldn’t get the thought out of my head he is moving and I don’t even know when what if I wake up the next day and go to school and he is not there what will I do. “I asked him when are you moving” “he replied   ”2 weeks’ I have to 2 weeks to make the best of memories of life to 2 weeks to feel like a princess 2 weeks to feel special until I go back to the girl who only talks to her friends. Let’s go to the fair. I said he replied, “that is a good idea” I still couldn’t believe he is leaving. The fair was petty. It was like a rainbow but yet so dead all I could think about was the thought of him being gone and not going shopping, no one to take me to places, the light to my darkness was going to be gone, the one who taught me love was leaving. As we went on the Ferris wheel after waiting for what felt like hours we went to the top I just looked out the cage. It was so high up, like being on top of a mountain but it was so pretty all the lights reminded me of the time I went to the city when I was younger, then put his hand on me. His hands there were so warm like a heater he looked at me and just smiled “I am going to miss you” I said before I couldn’t finish me he said, “I will miss you too”.We took a picture on top of the Ferris wheel and put it in the photo album we had been making for 6 months looking at all the pictures brought back so many memories there was the time we went bowling and had too many energy drinks it left like I was bouncing off the walls there was also the time we went on that roller coaster and I almost cried looking at these made my head spin of butterflies but yet it was so beautiful to look at these like it made me happy and smile knowing we made the best of the time we had left together even though this was our last day together I had fun I won’t forget this day. The next day I wished I didn't have to come. I woke up, got ready, and went to his house to see him for the last time. Today I didn’t even have to walk into the house. I just cried while being in the car. Seeing him face to face was probably bad but good at the same time all the memories of us came back to me like a flashback. I remember everything from the time we met to the time we went together, and yet all I did was cry. I walked into his room and helped him pack everything he gave me a sweater so I wouldn’t forget him as he finished his room looked so empty like me at the moment I could even say anything we put everything in the car. My mom watching from the distance his house smelt dead and cold or maybe it was just me knowing the person I love is leaving the person I care for is leaving him for a different place and yet I am stuck here it isn’t far it isn’t far I say we said our last goodbyes my tears were probability getting all over him but there was worse to come and I watched the car drive away I wanted to run after it like you see in those movies but yet I just sat there and waved bye until I couldn’t see it gone like the wind and disappeared like clouds. The next few weeks were bad I hated seeing all the couples around the school I just wanted to forget but yet forget wouldn’t be the problem it would be having to deal with the feeling of being in a long-distance relationship.My friends were there dying he gifts and food to make me feel better but everything reminded me of him me and him talked on the phone he would help me with my Spanish homework and call me stupid for not being able to speak the words.It went on for another month we would send each other gifts with cute little notes that would make us smile and giggle. Until one day I got a call from him at like 2 am out nowhere my half-asleep self answering it “hello I said “it is me Clement’ I replied “why are you up so late go to sleep I” I said “I am moving yet again he said I asked “Again really why” he replied  “I got a job opportunity in Mexico “Which part” I asked” he replied “Hidalgo”.I looked up and it was more than a day 1 so I guess he is moving farther away but also long as he is happy I am happy. I said in a happy voice” I hope you have fun there” I went to sleep and hung up the phone without saying another word.We didn’t talk to me for a few days. He probably moved his stuff and moved to Mexico. I wonder what his house and the empty room smelled like.He talked after a few days it was so boring we stopped sending each other gifts and talking every day time zone difference was difficult but he made it work with the short and easy conversation but yet they were nice and sweet like candy and rainbows. A Few days later this was so sure going to the worst I got a phone call a few days after my birthday which was good he sent a gift it was so nice until it wasn’t.I got a phone call from Clement it was the normal stuff hi how until he said he need to talk in my head I am thinking is he moving again but closer to me I got all happy. He said ”we need to break up I think” I started crying I asked “why” he replied “I don’t like you anymore that is why I haven't been talking to you that much,” I asked“oh it is ok if that is what you want then let is be but we can still be friends right he replied, “of course”.Still crying he hung up the phone after saying goodbye and that was the day that was the worst day of my life and changed me forever.

The author's comments:

I am Andreana I am a high school student and this is my story on my first relationship and how it went hope you enjoy it.

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