Secondary Education Plan | Teen Ink

Secondary Education Plan

January 22, 2019
By Anonymous

With the increase of online realtors, the need for goods to be shipped across the nation has been increasing but the number of trucks on the road has stayed relatively unchanged since 2015. This is starting to affect the economy as large companies need to increase the price of their goods to combat shipping prices. I think that going into this as a career is I good idea because it is a job that not only pays well but it is a job with many openings for different types of driving and cargo. One of the main careers that I want to do for my life is driving a semi truck. The reasons I have for pursuing this career are freedom, money, and work hours

Owning my own truck would allow me to work for multiple companies and take jobs hauling different types of cargo and trailers supplied by the companies I work with for the job. Another option is to own both the truck and trailer in which I can work for more companies but not be able to haul as much variety of cargo. As an open road trucker, I would be able to see and visit many different places all over the country. I have the option to work for different companies at the same time and not be tied down by one place.

Driving a truck is actually a well paying job and that fluctuates depending on what type of driver I am and what I’m certified to haul. A trucker’s paycheck is greatly influenced by supply and demand and as the middleman, I would be paid that shipping tax that's always there when someone buys anything online. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that in may 2017 the average yearly earning for truck drivers was $42,000. A good pay is essential for a good job so I can pay my bills like insurance and health care.

With the ability to use my own truck I could not only choose what jobs to do and when to do them. I would be able to take time off to visit my friend and family when something came up. I would still have to work often without a paid leave but I could choose when to do my job. If I wanted to I could work day or night or whenever a job presented itself to me. If I worked in an office job I would need to work when my boss tells me to because as a truck driver I am my own boss.

I feel that freedom is a big part of what I want my future to look like. With freedom comes the ability to do things in my own time frame and work in a job that I like to do. With the number of jobs opening up I have the chance to work at the best one for me. I am excited to have the ability to drive in a few years and I would like to have a job where I get to drive for money. Driving a truck is one of many career options I am thinking about and I think that is is one of the good ones. I plan to follow this career when I get the chance to do things to help me get this job in school.

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