Sac My Home | Teen Ink

Sac My Home

January 11, 2019
By Blu BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Blu BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sacramento is beautiful it has a shining bright sun looking down on us, freeways full of luxurious expensive cars. Tall buildings touching the start of the skyline trees that fill up the streets, clean parks you can ride your bike around and meet friendly people. Clean neat neighborhoods that have nice housing conditions. This place that I call home makes me feel welcome and loved like i'm part of a community that respects me. We accept all ethnicities and colors Black, White, Mexican Ect. So come and join our community we welcome all.

Sounds nice huh? Well here's the thing, everything I just stated isn’t true. My Sacramento is full of people having an attitude, where you get robbed for your shoes and flashy jewelry when you walk down the wrong hood at the wrong time. If you wanna get shot wear the wrong color, people get shot down for no reason, just ask around. Watch out for the black and whites (police) they’ll search you and make assumptions based on the color of your skin. The cops will gun you down and say they THOUGHT they were violent. I can hear the cop sirens as I walk toward my house on 27th street you can see the gangsters stand around in a pile mean mugging and snatchin on what’s in your pockets and what you got on you.

My city can help on police brutality and just the way they act it's annoying to be stopped and be asked obnoxious questions on why im out or where am I going. They ask if your on drugs or to empty your pockets. Another thing Sacramento needs to fix is these roads. They have a lot of potholes. Next thing is that some of these hotels and houses are way to expensive you’ll waste about 600 or more on a hotel and rent can go up to four thousand. Hey if you wanna live in a over priced area go ahead but be careful on what happens at night as homeless people and thugs decide to strike yelling, arguing, stealing and fighting. This area is dirty we got cans paper garbage on the floor people don't respect the earth and the city. Come on join this area so you or your kids can be bullied in school with low education and outdated textbooks. Maybe the government should rise up and listen to the advice the city brings. Maybe fix the roads and education like i wanna learn stuff in a new way not stuff people in 1990s used to learn.

Join this community its worth a shot all we need is the right people. That do right to help out not push Sacramento into the ground.

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