Mail Call | Teen Ink

Mail Call

January 4, 2019
By oomabooma BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
oomabooma BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

A veteran is strong, principled, and selfless. People like you who fought for me are among the most honorable men in women in our history. It takes bravery and extreme pride in one's country to make the sacrifices you made for us.

My name is Emma and I am a high school senior in Hartland. I am 17 now, and will be attending UW-Milwaukee next fall to study Actuarial Science and Economics. It is so honorable that at the same age I am, you chose the path of fighting for your country rather than going to school. I could not imagine possessing that level of courage right now.

I watched the Honor Flight movie and was inspired to write you. I want to welcome you home and thank you for for your service and sacrifice. It deeply upsets me that you never received the welcome home that you deserved. A brave soul like you should be admired and praised.

Through writing this letter, I have realized how grateful I am to have veterans like you who fight for me and my family. You are a part of history and I am very curious about your experiences. If you are comfortable sharing, I would love to hear about what your service was like; what type of people you met, what cities you traveled to, how challenging it was for you, or whatever is on your mind.

Once again, thank you for your service, and thank you for fighting for me. Your bravery is greatly appreciated by all. Welcome home!


The author's comments:

Written for the Honor Flight.

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